Do You Want To Create a Business You Don't Need a Vacation From?
Owners or founders of mission-driven businesses that offer health products, personal development, or coaching...
Do you want to scale to 7-figures (and beyond) without sacrificing your time or freedom?
Then it's FINALLY time to create a business you enjoy that funds a life you LOVE.

If this is you – don’t worry – it’s not your fault…
And you’re certainly not alone.
The thing is, we usually start a business to follow our passion and vision to help make the world a better place.
Which means most of us didn’t go to business school, and since no one really teaches this stuff…
We tend to learn as we go, doing everything ourselves, with the “I’ll just figure it out” mentality…
Only to find out this way of doing things is often painful and costly.
Most heart-centred entrepreneurs are on a mission to create abundance for themselves while serving others – not become an expert in marketing.
But trying to figure out this piece on our own often costs us ourmost three precious resources :
I’m here to tell you that you DON’T have to sacrifice these in order to grow your business and have a greater impact.
If you’re tired of the hustle and grind…
And you’re ready to feel excited
about your business again…
Whilst having more money, more
time, and more freedom…
Then it’s time to get your business running smoothly without your micromanagement…
So you finally have that precious peace of mind you’ve always wanted, and you can stop merely surviving and start THRIVING.
How I Can Help You

Hey, I’m
Anthony Clark.
20 years ago I co-founded and grew a successful family business with my father and brothers.
I know exactly what it feels like to have to grind…
To have endless ‘fires’ and headaches to deal with daily…
And to struggle with how to increase revenue while keeping expenses under control…
I wasn’t free to choose what I focussed on in my life and I spent far more time working in my business than living my life.
As a result, my mental and physical health were eroding and my relationship with my family was suffering.
My heart broke one day when I heard my 5-year old son say to my wife that there wasn’t any point in asking me to play…
Because I was always on my phone…
Hey, I’m Anthony Clark.
20 years ago I co-founded and grew a successful family business with my father and brothers.
I know exactly what it feels like to have to grind…
To have endless ‘fires’ and headaches to deal with daily…
And to struggle with how to increase revenue while keeping expenses under control…
I wasn’t free to choose what I focussed on in my life and I spent far more time working in my business than living my life.
As a result, my mental and physical health were eroding and my relationship with my family was suffering.
My heart broke one day when I heard my 5-year old son say to my wife that there wasn’t any point in asking me to play…
Because I was always on my phone…

All because my business wasn’t working for me;
I was working for my business.

Like a slave. It had to stop.
This wake-up call forced me to get clear on what’s important to me AND what I needed to change in my business to achieve my life goals.
I figured out how to launch marketing campaigns that generated significant income and how to build, train, and grow teams that gave me back huge chunks of my time.
This freed me to focus on my ‘unique abilities’: the things that gave me the highest return on my investment of money and effort…
While I delegated everything else to my team so that my business ran smoothly.
I learned extremely valuable lessons during the last 20 years of growing my business, which I now use to mentor other business owners to grow their businesses without making the same costly mistakes I did.
Now, after scaling my family business to $10M/year and having time to read my kids stories, work on my rural homestead, go on long walks with my wife, and choose how much and when I work, rest and play…
I decided it was time to help other health and wellness business owners expand their mission… by showing them how to focus on their zone of genius and find the right team to support them with everything else.